AutoStone USA is a Hyunda Strategic Partner
See our NEW LARGE FORMAT CT-1 24″ x 48″ Tile!
New 24" x 48" CT-1 Size
Approved for your Showroom
Hyundai approved AutoStoneUSA installed tile
CT-1 Showroom
Size: 24" x 48" (stocked)
Clean.Tech - Ultra Cleanable Technology
Finish: BrightFinish | Natural

New CT-1 Large Format 24" x 48" size
Showroom Tile
Now In-Stock!
Why Go Small?
Go BIG with AutoStoneUSA
Hyundai approved AutoStoneUSA installed tile
CT-1 Showroom
Size: 24" x 48" (Available Now!)
Clean.Tech - Ultra Cleanable Technology
Finish: BrightFinish | Natural

Hyundai Dealers Prefer
AutoStoneUSA Hyundai New Large Format 24" x 48" Explainer!
QC Tool For Large Format Tile Success!
New GDSI 2.0 Tile Guide!

Hyundai GDSI 2.0 Approved Areas for AutoStone USA
Hyundai is building the most exciting retail and service retailing environment in the automotive space. The retail space reflects Hyundai Motor Americas’ (HMA) forward direction, culture, and efforts toward a sustainable and green future. This retail scape reflects the direction of HMA as it is moving to hybrids and electric vehicles. AutoStone USA materials are the right choice for your Hyundai build. AutoStone USA is made in America, manufactured in a factory dedicated to energy efficiency, the elimination of waste and a reduced carbon footprint.
The service reception area and drive are an important space where customers and employees meet. When you look at your floor finish we recommend a PERMANENT tile floor over temporary coatings. You will find the cost difference between tile and temporary coatings makes tile the better choice. Clean, fresh, bright, non-blemished and STF-resistant floors help deliver this positive image. AutoStone floors are designed, engineered, and manufactured to help deliver a great service drive experience. AutoStone floors include our brightfinish, which is a permanent sealant that enhances our impervious (non-absorptive) tile. The bright finish seals the surface micropores, and aids dealerships with daily cleaning practices. AutoStone floors are designed to assist dealers better manage these environments with better products, which can deliver better results!
No other department more profoundly influences the degree of customer satisfaction and advocacy than the service department workshop facility. We offer Hyundai dealers one of three permanent workshop floor choices to choose from, all of which are chemical-resistant, STF-resistant, and supplying a tile finish that dealers can maintain “like-new” for the life of the dealership. When dealers embrace our Culture of Clean (established and proper cleaning practices), Hyundai workshops can look beautiful for the life of the dealership. Hyundai approves AutoStone Floor Systems as a trusted Approved Materials Provider; choose an AutoStone workshop floor, and you will love the results!
We are here to introduce you to the AutoStone culture of clean developed to educate your dealership on best cleaning practices, methods, and processes for your automotive dealership. You have just purchased the best automotive floor system for your Hyundai dealership. Your store has either/or all AutoStone produced and/or supplied tile in your showroom, service reception and/or service workshop. Based on each area, you will have a different or modified approach to cleaning these areas. AutoStone has (3) workshop floor systems that are we supply automotive dealership facilities. Regardless of which floor system you choose, all workshop and service floors include our brightfinish, which is a permanent sealant, baked-in during the manufacturing process. Your cleaning approach to your service reception and workshop is essential to reflecting the Hyundai brand image. Buying an AutoStone Floor System is one of many important steps in building a better retail environment, service reception area, and service workshop. That is why we focus on how our products are to be used and supported in your dealership environment.
Did you know?
While the service drive is the smallest footprint of your facility build, the service drive represents the most dynamic and important space in automotive retailing today?
Why AutoStone Tile Is Better Than Epoxy
Reason #1
Reason #2
Reason #3
Reason #4
Hyundai allows dealers the choice of either a permanent floor in the service drive or an epoxy coating. While tile maybe somewhat more expensive on a per square foot basis, it is the best investment you can make in the long run for your facility.
An epoxy coating will soon look worn and weary, and this diminishes the futuristic and service-oriented image of the Hyundai program. In a few short years you will be faced with having to resurface your service drive again, and later again and again.
A permanent tile by AutoStone USA makes the best impression with your customer because it looks beautiful for the life of your dealership. Epoxy coatings wear away and as they degrade from use.
This never-ending cycle of resurfacing is an ongoing cost that you never stop. However, with an AutoStone permanent service drive tile, your investment will last a lifetime. Build best, build once, build with AutoStone USA.
Looking for Hyundai Legacy Tile Products?
AutoStone USA materials are available for Hyundai facilities that need additional
tile materials for repairs and additions. Click the button below.
Hyundai Brand Compliant Program
Below are current Hyundai Approved GDSI 2.0 Materials ready to be installed at your dealership or workshop.
- Note: The CT-2 tile option has been discontinued from the Hyundai program
Enviroshop & DriveSeriesUSA 12x12
Series: Enviroshop12USA
Color: Alloy Grey
Finish: Traction.Brightfinish
Size: 12″x 12″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
11 7/8″ x 11 7/8″ (Actual Size)
*Dimensions may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Series: Enviroshop12USA
Color: Carbon-Black
Finish: Traction.Brightfinish
Size: 12″x 12″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
11 7/8″ x 11 7/8″ (Actual Size)
*Dimensions may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Series: DriveSeries12USA
Color: Alloy Grey
Finish: Traction3L.Brightfinish
Size: 12″x 12″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
4.1.4 Exterior Wet (EW)
4.1.5 Oils/Grease (O/G)
11 7/8″ x 11 7/8″ (Actual Size)
*Dimensions may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Series: DriveSeries12USA
Color: Carbon Black
Finish: Traction3L.Brightfinish
Size: 12″x 12″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
4.1.4 Exterior Wet (EW)
4.1.5 Oils/Grease (O/G)
11 7/8″ x 11 7/8″ (Actual Size)
*Dimensions may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


eShop2USA & DriveSeriesUSA 8x8
Series: eShop08USA
Color: Alloy Grey
Finish: Super.Grip.Brightfinish
Size: 8″x 8″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
4.1.4 Exterior Wet (EW)
4.1.5 Oils/Grease (O/G)
7 7/8" x 7 7/8" (Actual Size)
*Dimension may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Series: eShop08USA
Color: Carbon/Genesis Black
Finish: Super.Grip.Brightfinish
Size: 8″x 8″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
4.1.4 Exterior Wet (EW)
4.1.5 Oils/Grease (O/G)
7 7/8" x 7 7/8" (Actual Size)
*Dimension may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Series: DriveSeries08USA
Color: Alloy Grey
Finish: Super.Grip3L.Brightfinish
Size: 8″x 8″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
4.1.4 Exterior Wet (EW)
4.1.5 Oils/Grease (O/G)
7 7/8" x 7 7/8" (Actual Size)
*Dimension may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Series: DriveSeries08USA
Color: Carbon/Genesis Black
Finish: Super.Grip3L.Brightfinish
Size: 8″x 8″* (U.S. Nominal Dimension)
Surface Traction Conforms To:
ANSI A326.3 Use Category
4.1.3 Interior, Wet Plus (IW+)
4.1.4 Exterior Wet (EW)
4.1.5 Oils/Grease (O/G)
7 7/8" x 7 7/8" (Actual Size)
*Dimension may vary within (+) or (-) 2mm in sizing


Ready to Reserve Hyundai Materials?
AutoStone offers the best price for your tile program and guaranteed on-time delivery.
AutoStoneUSA Hyundai GDSI 2.0 Documents
Why AutoStoneUSA Are Hyundai GDSI 2.0 Experts

Service And WorkShop
AutoStone supplied service and workshop floor tiles are approved for use in your Hyundai dealership. AutoStone driveseries, enviroshop and clinkershop floor systems are also approved for use in your service drive and workshop. When it comes to your service department, we always recommend a permanent floor system. AutoStone once, AutoStone forever is our motto. Build a better service facility that is a safer, cleaner, and a better environment to service Hyundai vehicles.

Precise Grout Alignment
Exceptional quality is assured with every AutoStone produced and supplied Hyundai tile. AutoStone supplied service drive and workshop floor systems have a tight calibrated tolerance to assure tight grout alignment as well. Less grout = less grime. AutoStone is your best Hyundai choice!

Permanent Sealant Resists permanent Stains
AutoStone’s brightfinish ultra-cleanable technology surface finish is an optional surface finish option. The brightfinish resists permanent stains and assists in the removal of grout residue during installation and aids cleaning practices. The brightfinish will deliver brighter, fresher, and cleaner environments.

Inventory, Materials and Logistics Experts
AutoStone is the nation’s automotive-industry floor system specialist. In addition to supporting Hyundai, we support ten additional automotive brands. We inventory over one million square feet of brand specific floor products. Not only do we have the largest domestic inventory in the country, we are also the best resource to support your project. With AutoStone, your Hyundai dealership project will be supported with materials that are actually available, when you need them.

STF (slip, trip and Fall) Risk - Environments
AutoStone proposes our driveseries as one of our three workshop floor systems for Hyundai service drive and workshop facilities. This service and workshop floor system has been successfully installed in a number of Hyundai installations and Hyundai dealers love the STF benefits, which reduce their exposure to customer and employee injury in the service drive and/or workshop.

Permanent Sealant Enhances Impervious surface
All three AutoStone service drive and workshop floor systems proposed for use in an Hyundai dealership have our brightfinish technology. The brightfinish technology enhances our impervious tile surface with a permanent sealant baked-in during the manufacturing process. Permanent service drive and workshop floors can be kept in “like-new” condition for the life of the dealership with regularly scheduled and proper cleaning practices.

Competitor Products Darken over time
AutoStone service drive and workshop tiles are manufactured with our brightfinish to resist rubber-transfer, and surface stains. While other clinker tile manufacturers state that their tile will “naturally patina” over time, our workshop tiles can be kept clean and “like-new” with regularly scheduled and proper cleaning maintenance. AutoStone service and workshop floor systems are designed for the automotive service model marketplace.

AutoStone supports Hyundai with
culture of clean
Clean facilities are an essential Hyundai brand requirement. An Hyundai retail and service facility should reflect a clean upscale environment to reflect the quality of the Hyundai brand. The service reception and service workshop are equally important in delivering exceptional service which caters to each Hyundai customer. Floors should be clean, bright and be kept in a “like-new” condition for the life of the dealership. AutoStone floors are designed to help you keep and maintain the original appearance with regularly scheduled cleaning practices. Let AutoStone help you with your cleaning and maintenance program.