That’s Thoughtful

How to Utilize the Service Drive to Create a “Thoughtful” Customer Experience

Its no surprise that automotive dealers are looking to increase traffic to their service drives. According to the Cox Automotive Service Industry Study, 74% of buyers who had their vehicle serviced by the dealership of purchase said they were likely to return to that dealership for their next purchase.

Building a showcase upfront for monetizing the service drive is key for autodealers. Any dealership remodel will take time and have some cost. But with the service, parts and body shop generating 53 percent of an average dealership’s annual gross profits, the new design pays off. Industry research indicates that professional-looking, clean and tidy service departments improve CSI ratings while enhancing brand perception. AutoStone provides you the best floor system which can deliver a beautiful, durable and clean appearing facility. Your shop is an extension of your showroom, because each positive customer experience leads to increased service revenue and future vehicle sales. AutoStone delivers permanence, performance and experience.

Beyond a beautifully well-designed facilty. What more can autodealers do to protect customers’ health and well-being? How can they show their customers that they will ensure a positive experience every time they visit? What can the service drive do to keep them coming back again and again?

Create a Service Drive That’s An Extension of Your Showroom

  • Manage Slip, Trip, and Fall Environmental Risk
  • Brightfinish Permanent Sealant Resists Permanent Stains
  • Brightfinish ultra-cleanable technology to keep the service drive looking like-new

Manage STF Environmental Risk

AutoStone proposes our driveseries as one of our three workshop floor systems for service drive and workshop facilities. This service and workshop floor system has been successfully installed in various dealership locations where dealers love the STF benefits, which reduce their exposure to customer and employee injury in the service drive and/or workshop.

Brightfinish Permanent Sealant Resists Permanent Stains

AutoStone’s brightfinish ultra-cleanable technology surface finish is an optional surface finish option. The brightfinish resists permanent stains and assists in the removal of grout residue during installation and aids cleaning practices.  The brightfinish will deliver brighter, fresher, and cleaner showroom environments.

Brightfinish Ultra-Cleanable Technology

All three AutoStone service drive and workshop floor systems have our Brightfinish technology.  The Brightfinish technology enhances our impervious tile surface with a permanent sealant baked-in during the manufacturing process.  Permanent service drive and workshop floors can be kept in “like-new” condition for the life of the dealership with regularly scheduled and proper cleaning practices.

With the cost of acquiring a new customer being 5x higher than that of retaining an existing customer, service conquest is both powerful and cost-effective compared to virtually any other form of conquest prospecting.
